Powershell: Get-CertExpiry
Powershell PowershellIt’s Always nice to know when certificates are going to expire, it stops service outages, I’ve written a script that will check the server (or multiple remote servers) certificates and create a word document report of all the certificates that will expire within the next 12 months (you can edit the timeframe to be 3, 6, 9 months as you see fit).
Credit: EvoTec for the PSWriteWord Module it also has the capability to attach the report to an email and send it to whomever you like.
Import-Module WebAdministration -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#credit: PSwriteword author evotec
Import-Module PSWriteWord -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$scriptpath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$dir = Split-Path $scriptpath
$file = $env:COMPUTERNAME
#$file = "$dir\servers.csv" #small test list
$DOCreport = "$dir\Certs expiry 12 months.docx"
$servers = Get-content $file
$otoday = Get-Date -Format "dd/MM/yyy"
# change the addmonths to the period you require e.g. 3, 6 ,9 ,12
$today = ((Get-Date).AddMonths(12)).tostring("dd-MM-yyyy")
write-host "Today is: $otoday"
$newdoc = New-WordDocument $DOCreport -Verbose
#$logoimage = "$dir\Header-Logo.png"
#$footerimage = "$dir\Footer-Logo.png"
#add your header image
#Add-WordPicture -WordDocument $newdoc -ImagePath $logoimage -Alignment right -ImageWidth 170 -ImageHeight 80
Add-WordText -WordDocument $newdoc -Text "Report compiled on $otoday." -Alignment Right -FontSize 08 -FontFamily 'Calibri' -Color lightgray -HeadingType Heading1
Add-wordtext -WordDocument $newdoc -Text "Certificates" -FontSize 18 -fontfamily 'Bahnschrift Condensed' -Color Black
add-wordtext -WordDocument $newdoc -Text "The following report details all certificate that will expire before $today, please review and make relevant arrangements to replace, or renew these certificates to reduce the risk of a service outage." -FontSize 12 -fontfamily 'Bahnschrift Light SemiCondensed'
Add-WordParagraph -WordDocument $newdoc
Add-wordtext -WordDocument $newdoc -Text "Certificates Expiring Before $today" -FontSize 18 -fontfamily 'Bahnschrift Condensed' -Color Black
$T = New-wordtable -WordDocument $newdoc -NrColumns 5 -NrRows 1
Add-WordTableRow -Table $t -Index 1
$expired = @()
foreach ($server in $servers) { #each server start
Write-host "Processing Certificates on $server" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$certs = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server -ScriptBlock { Get-ChildItem -path Cert:\LocalMachine\My -Recurse -erroraction SilentlyContinue | select-Object Subject, Thumbprint, NotBefore, NotAfter -ExcludeProperty PSComputerName, RunspaceId, PSSHowComputerName | Sort-Object Notafter -Descending } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
foreach ($c in $certs) { #each cert start
$subs = $c.subject.split(",")
foreach ($sub in $subs) {
if ($sub -like "*CN=*") {
$sj = $sub -replace 'CN=', ''
$SJ = $sj -replace '\s',''
$edate = $c.NotAfter.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")
$ts = New-TimeSpan -Start $edate -End $today
if ($ts.days -gt 0 -and $ts.Days -lt 365) {
$item = [PSCustomobject]@{
Name = $server
subject = $SJ
Thumbprint = $c.Thumbprint
Notbefore = $c.notbefore.tostring("dd-MM-yyyy")
Notafter = $c.NotAfter.tostring("dd-MM-yyyy")
$expired = $expired + $item
} #each cert end
} #each server end
$sortexpired = $expired | Sort-Object $expired.notafter
$sortexpired | Format-Table -AutoSize
Add-WordTable -Table $t -DataTable $sortexpired -Design MediumShading1Accent2 -Alignment left -AutoFit Window -FontSize 10, 7 -ContinueFormatting
Add-wordline -WordDocument $newdoc -LineColor darkgray -LineType single -LineSpace 0.2
#add your footer image
#Add-WordPicture -WordDocument $newdoc -ImagePath $footerimage -Alignment right -ImageWidth 400 -ImageHeight 85
#save the doc file
Save-WordDocument -WordDocument $newdoc #-KillWord
#Send report to someone ;)
$From = "CertCheck@yourdomain.com"
$To = "someone@yourdomain.com"
$Attachment = "$dir\Certs expiry 12 months.docx"
$Subject = "Certs expiring within 12 Months"
$Body = "<h3><u>Certificates expiring within the next 12 Months</u></h3><p>Please find attached the DOCX report detailing certificates that will expire within the next 12 months<BR>Please review the report and make relevant arrangements to replace, or renew these certificates to reduce the risk of a service outage.</p></br/>Your IT Department."
$SMTPServer = "[yoursmtpserver]"
$SMTPPort = "25"
Send-MailMessage -From $From -to $To -Subject $Subject -Body $Body -BodyAsHtml -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -port $SMTPPort -Attachments $Attachment –DeliveryNotificationOption OnSuccess
As Always it’s is available from my Github page.