PowerShell: HPA Acount Audit
Powershell PowershellWith security and account passwords being a bit of a hot potato of late, the last thing you want is your admin users using the same password for their standard and HPA accounts.
This powershell script audits the password hashes to see if they match, and produces a report, ideally this would be sent to your infosec team.
#This script requires the PSWriteWord Module to run, this can be installed by
#credit: PSwriteword module Evotec
#install-Module -name PSWriteWord
#import modules
Import-Module PSWriteWord -force
#Declare variable
$scriptpath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$dir = Split-Path $scriptpath
$today = Get-Date -Format "dd-MM-yyy"
$array = @()
$SAarray = @()
$docreport = "$dir\HPA-list-$today.docx"
$pdfreport = "$dir\HPA-list-$today.pdf"
$HPAGroups = @("Domain Admins", "Enterprise Admins", "Schema Admins","Administrators")
$newdoc = New-WordDocument $DOCreport -Verbose
$logoimage = "$dir\yourlogo.png"
$footerimage = "$dir\yourfooter.png"
$strDomainDNS = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain().Name
Add-WordPicture -WordDocument $newdoc -ImagePath $logoimage -Alignment right -ImageWidth 170 -ImageHeight 80
Add-WordText -WordDocument $newdoc -Text "Report compiled on $today." -Alignment Right -FontSize 08 -FontFamily 'Calibri' -Color lightgray -HeadingType Heading1
Add-wordtext -WordDocument $newdoc -Text "HPA Accounts for $strDomainDNS Domain" -FontSize 18 -fontfamily 'Bahnschrift Condensed' -Color Black
add-wordtext -WordDocument $newdoc -Text "The following report details all HPA accounts on the $strDomainDNS, please review this report to highlight any changes from the previous report." -FontSize 12 -fontfamily 'Bahnschrift Light SemiCondensed'
Foreach ($HPAGroup in $HPAGroups) {
$array = @()
$members = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $HPAGroup | Select-Object Name, SamAccountName
foreach ($member in $members) {
$thislist = [pscustomobject] @{
#Groupname = $HPAGroup
Name = $member.Name
Account = $member.SamAccountName
$array += $thislist
$array | Sort-object Name
Add-WordParagraph -WordDocument $newdoc
$title = "$HPAGroup ("+$array.count+")"
Add-wordtext -WordDocument $newdoc -Text $title -FontSize 18 -fontfamily 'Bahnschrift Condensed' -Color Black
$T = New-wordtable -WordDocument $newdoc -NrColumns 2 -NrRows 1
Add-WordTableRow -Table $t -Index 1
Add-WordTable -Table $t -DataTable $array -Design MediumShading1Accent2 -Alignment left -AutoFit Window -FontSize 10, 7 -ContinueFormatting
Add-wordline -WordDocument $newdoc -LineColor darkgray -LineType single -LineSpace 0.2
$users = Get-aduser -filter -searchbase "Ou=ServiceAccounts,DC=yourdomain,DC=local" -Properties | Where-Object {$_.objectclass -eq 'user'} | Select-Object Name, SamAccountName
foreach ($user in $users) {
$serviceaccts = [pscustomobject] @{
#Groupname = "Service Account"
Name = $user.name
Account = $user.SamAccountName
$SAarray += $serviceaccts
$SAarray | sort-object Name
Add-WordParagraph -WordDocument $newdoc
$title = "Service Accounts ("+$SAarray.count+")"
Add-wordtext -WordDocument $newdoc -Text $title -FontSize 18 -fontfamily 'Bahnschrift Condensed' -Color Black
$SA = New-wordtable -WordDocument $newdoc -NrColumns 2 -NrRows 1
Add-WordTable -Table $SA -DataTable $SAarray -Design MediumShading1Accent2 -Alignment left -AutoFit Window -FontSize 10, 7 -ContinueFormatting
Add-wordline -WordDocument $newdoc -LineColor darkgray -LineType single -LineSpace 0.2
Add-WordParagraph -WordDocument $newdoc
Add-WordPicture -WordDocument $newdoc -ImagePath $footerimage -Alignment right -ImageWidth 400 -ImageHeight 85
#save doc and convert it to a PDF
Save-WordDocument -WordDocument $newdoc -KillWord
$word = new-object -ComObject "word.application"
$doc = $word.documents.open($docreport)
$doc.SaveAs([ref] $PDFreport, [ref] 17)
Remove-item -Path $DOCreport -Force
As always this is available on my GitHub https://github.com/richeaston/Powershell/tree/main/Get-HPAAudit page